Alfabet Šume 1.0 / Alphabet of the Forest 1.0

3D interaktivna aplikacija / 3D interactive app
October 2022 / Novi Sad

autor rada, audio-vizuelna i softverska realizacija / author of the work, audio-visual & software realization

Preuzmi aplikaciju / Download the app

Rad je naručila Inkluzivna galerija za izložbu „Umetnost za sve“ – Šira dostupnost savremene umetnosti za osobe sa invaliditetom.

Šuma kao mitološki entitet, šuma kao harmonični ekosistem, šuma kao terapija, šuma kao društveni kolektiv. Šum-a. Alfabet šume nastoji da prikaže ono nevidljivo u prirodi, složenu i raznoliku komunikaciju i interakciju biljnog sveta, vodeći se kako modernim naučnim istraživanjima tako i mitološkim uverenjima, individualnim zapažanjima i religijskim učenjima. Pored ideje bekstva od zagađenosti urbane svakodnevnice, ovaj 3D generisani audio-vizuelni svet može da služi i kao terapija, senzibilisanje čula na suptilnosti zvuka, slike i ideja, golicanje mašte, otvarajući mogućnost za drugačiju interpretaciju i doživljaj šume.

The work was commisioned by Inclusive Gallery for their exhibition “Art for All” – Broader accessibility to contemporary art for people with disabilities.

The forest as a mythological entity, the forest as a harmonious ecosystem, the forest as therapy, the forest as a social collective. The forest. The alphabet of the forest strives to show the invisible in nature, the complex and diverse communication and interaction of the plant world, guided by both modern scientific research and mythological beliefs, individual observations and religious teachings. In addition to the idea of ​​escaping from the pollution of urban everyday life, this 3D generated audio-visual world can also serve as therapy, sensitizing the senses to the subtleties of sound, images and ideas, tickling the imagination, opening the possibility for a different interpretation and experience of the forest.